Common Questions
Questions About Powerlifting

Q: What is powerlifting?

A: Powerlifting is a strength sport involving three lifts: the squat, bench press, and deadlift. In competition, the winner in each weight/age class is the person who has the highest total of all three lifts.

Q. Will I need to spend lots of money to compete in powerlifting?

A: No. In fact, powerlifting is one of the least expensive sports to train for and compete in. If you are a beginner, there is virtually nothing you need to begin training except access to weghts. Later on you may wish to buy supportive equipment, but this is not necessary.

Q. Do I need to take lots of supplements, like creatine, to compete in powerlifting?

A. No. The only supplement necessary to ensure success in powerlifting training is a healthy diet which is high in protein.

Q. Do I have to spend hours in the gym to train for powerlifting?

A. No. Your workout sessions should be about one hour or less, 3-5 times per week.

Q. What are the benefits of powerlifting training?

A. Increased strength, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments, increased metabolism, enhanced muscle tone, greater energy....the list goes on.

Q. I'm a woman and I want to get stronger, but I don't want to get bulky. Will I?

A. No. This is a myth based on woman bodybuilders, who are usually "pharmaceutically enhanced." Female powerlifters tend to experience increased strength, definition, and metabolism, but have minimal size gains.

Q. I don't want to hurt my knees. Can I still squat?

A. Absolutely. Squatting with proper form will result in stronger knees that are more resistant to injury. In addition, squatting *below* parallel is safer than squatting to parallel or just above.

Q. There's no way I can beat people in a competition because my lifts are too low right now. Why should I compete?

A. Most people entering a powerlifting meet know they will not win. The thrill of competition comes from realizing the benefits of all your hard work when you break your personal records (PR). However, if you consistently work hard and compete, you will most likely win a few competitions before you are done.

Q. I went to a meet, and the competitors were helping and cheering for one another. What's that about?

A. You will find in powerlifting that there is a general sentiment of "camraderie over competition." Especially at the regional and state levels, lifters usually know one another, and even train together. Winning comes second to fun, safe lifting and helping each other reach their goals.

Q. What's a bench shirt/squat suit/knee wrap?

A. This is all supportive equipment which helps with safety, but it is mostly geared towards getting more pounds out of the lift. A bench shirt is a tight, usually nylon shirt which forces the arms forward and helps the bottom part of the bench press. The squat suit looks like a tight wrestling singlet which helps propel you from the bottom part of a squat. Knee wraps resist leg flexion, also giving you assistance out of the "hole."

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